In-between: An Ongoing Process of Realistic Interactive Land Art 2nd
Venue:Soochow University
Organizer :Tomorrow Hub
Executor:Tomorrow Hub、Hu’s Art Company、Corma New Media
Artists:Candy Bird, Wu Chien-Yi, Syu Ting-Ruei, Liu Shih-Tung, Lu Jyun-Han
In today’s digital era, the interpersonal information exchanges have multiplied as a result of the development of science, technology and Internet. As the ways of viewing things are constantly changing, the representation approaches of visual arts proceed from hand-drawn to new media, from 2-D to 3-D, and from network to the cloud. In the future, virtual technologies, such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR) and Substitutional Reality (SR), are bound to lead the cross-border approaches in contemporary art. “In-between: An Ongoing Process of Realistic Interactive Land Art (「方寸之間:實境互動地景藝術的進行式」)“ is the mobile application of AR technology that enables an interpretation of the human-oriented principle in terms of science and technology, and that explores the relationship between people and technology, artists and viewers, people and landscape and inspires more interaction between artists and the viewers.