Very Fun Park II
Venue:Eastern district of Taipei
Date: August 1 – September 2, 2007
Organizer:The Fubon Art Foundation
藝術家:王九思、任大賢、在地實驗、吳柏樑、吳達坤、吳鼎武‧瓦歷斯、吳燦政、吳燦政、李明道、林昆穎、林建榮、林柏丞、林柏丞、邱昭財、侯怡亭、洪易、徐揚聰、崔廣宇、常陵、張耿華、張耿豪、眼球先生、許唐瑋、許家瑜、陳怡潔、麻粒試驗所、幾米、曾偉豪、曾雍甯、游文富、黃子欽、黃沛瀅、黃博志、黃裕智、黃蘭雅、黃蘭雅、楊春森、楊春森、葉怡利、葉怡利、蔡芷芬、鄭秀如、盧憲孚、蕭筑方、蘇孟鴻、蘇匯宇、Phunk studio、Akinori Oishi、Art,Always Open、Mella Jaarsma、Nezaket Ekici、Nicola Costantino、River Kuo、Susan Kendzulak、Takahiko Suzuki
(This project was participated by Sean C.S. Hu only)
“Very Fun Park 2” was an exhibition that continued with the trend of biennales and urban space integration, whereby artworks were placed in an organic manner in familiar public spaces, such as office buildings, MRT stations, parking lots, clothing stores, restaurants, cafes, outdoor walls, billboard spaces, religious venue, hospital, apartments, sidewalks, and bus stations. At the one hand, it allowed for contemporary art to be integrated into commercial spaces in the East District of Taipei, and on the other hand, it allowed for the public to experience art and to rethink about their living spaces, and to open up their perspectives.
The exhibition invited many international artists and created an opportunity for interactions between local and visiting artists. The artworks were diverse and innovative, and at the same time demonstrated the diversity and interdisciplinary qualities of contemporary art. In addition to video, installation, and technological artworks, works related to fashion, design, life, and popular cultures such as illustrations, figures, comics, graffiti were also exhibited. A sense of refreshing and creative artistic vibe was injected into people’s everyday living space and to truly realize the objective to promote contemporary art.








