Magical Illusive Landscape
Date: June 19 – July 12, 2009
Organizer :MOT ARTS
Artists:Lin Chuan-Chu、Pan Hsin-Hua、Yao Jui-Chung
In today’s contemporary art setting of Taiwan, there are still a lot of artists that are continuing with the artistic expression of landscape paintings, with the approach of mixing tradition with new media and techniques. These works are reflective of the overall environment and are integrated with contemporary thoughts and concepts. The outcomes are artworks that embody a bizarre appeal to them, and which happen to match with the condition of the society during the Min Dynasty. Therefore, through different space and time, political and social settings, traditional and innovative ideas, and even from the backgrounds of the artists, there appears to be an interesting aspect that is worth exploring. This was how the exhibition of “Magical Illusive Landscape” came about. The exhibition included three artists, Lin Chuan-Chu, Pan Hsin-Hua, and Yao Jui-Chung, whom are all from Taiwan but come from different backgrounds and learning experiences. Their artworks possess distinctive differences in their expressions of landscapes and embody a very unique Taiwanese sense to them.