Seed Project 2: Art With Mountain Land Art Installation Exhibition
Venue:Taipei City Xin-yi District
Date:April 10 – June 12, 2010
Organizer :Lead Jade Construction Co., LTD.
Artists:Wang Te-Yu、Hsu Yung-Hsu、Huang Po-Chih- Liu Han-Zhi、Yu Wen-Fu、Fujiko Nakaya、Kurt Perschke
Premiered with the 2009 Seed Project 1-Art with River by the bank of the Keelung River, this first seed planted in the community blossomed into beautiful flowers of art. The 2010 Seed Project2-Art with Mountain takes us to the hillside in the South East side of the Xinyi District. Once again, dialogues with the community and the surrounding natural habitat are initiated. We sincerely hope that the concept of the Seed Project which will be executed at least for 10 years will motivate the city’s spirit, and as the years go by, we hope the seeds planted in Taipei will bloom and grow into boundless possibilities.

科特.波希克Kurt Perschke《紅球計畫》


徐永旭《再 Re-echo》

游文富《綠心 濾心》

