Seed Project 3 Art with Wind Land Art Installation Exhibition
Venue:Taipei City Tianmu District
Date: June 6 – August 7, 2011
Organizer :Lead Jade Construction Co., LTD.
Artists:Lin Min-Yi、Lin Chien-Jung、Chen Chin-Pao、Tsai Kuen-Lin、Joshua Callaghan、Masayuki Kishimoto
“The Seed Project – Life Series” is an extension from urban renewal concepts. This art exhibition project has been implemented for several years by Lead Jade Construction through cross-department collaboration with the Taipei City Government. The objective is that with the foundation of hardware restructuring to also inject soft capabilities based on the cultivation and fortification of cultural spirits. The intent is to complement the international cosmopolitan city – Taipei, by working diligently in improving the city’s outer appearances, and while also strives to preserve and create more opulent cultural and artistic contents.
Six artists were invited to participate in this exhibition; including from Taiwan, Lin Chien-Jung, Lin Min-Yi, Chen Chin-Pao, and Tsai Kugn-Lin, and Joshua Callaghan from the U.S.A. and Kishimoto Masayuki from Japan. Six months before the project was launched, these artists already began conducting interviews and observations at the Tianmu community to search for ideas for their art projects. With experiences composited from the previous two years and combined with the distinctive traits of the area, when artists and the neighborhood officials and residents were communicating, there seemed to be a sense of familiarity between them. The entire planning process was executed smoothly at the various destinations in the neighborhood, including at a vacant building, inside a park, on the street divider, and several electrical boxes. Any pre-existing worries that the artists had prior to entering into the community became obsolete, and in seeing the profound interactions between the residents and the artists, we realized that art has never departed from life.