Seed Project 4 Mobile Museum – Minds On Forms
Venue:Intersection of Songgao Rd., and Ln. 236, Sec. 5, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Xinyi Dist. Taipei
Date: October 18 – December 15, 2013
Organizer :Lead Jade Construction Co., LTD.
Artists:Tsong Pu、Hsu Yung-Hsu、Lai Chih-Sheng、Wu Tung-Lung、Chen Sung-Chih
The exhibition, Mind on Forms, is an attempt to use the possibilities that have been excavated by artists from the nooks and crannies of life and art and to also incite for a closer connection. With this concept as its foundation, the objective is to further enhance and return to the fundamental importance for artistic forms and concepts. The production of artistic forms is to execute and actualize the concepts embody by the works. This exhibition hopes to communicate the idea that concept=form=mind, with emphasis placed on the notion that concept is the base for form, and form extends from concept. This artistic thinking is based on the embodiment of both the external and the internal for the two attributes. Therefore, it is vital to view the production of concept and the creation of form as two equal parts. Compare to strategies or methods that place priority on the subject or the knowledge, without the framework of knowledge or theoretical confinements, art’s instinctive and physical creative modes could appear even more valuable, with possibilities and opportunities unbounded and limitless.